Post-Pandemic Flexibility

Post-Pandemic Flexibility

Post-Pandemic FlexibilityKay Kotan
Published on: 12/07/2021

If we have learned nothing else in the past year and a half, we have learned the need to be flexible! We have learned to change directions at a moment’s

Church Leadership
Post-Pandemic Commitment

Post-Pandemic Commitment

Post-Pandemic CommitmentKay Kotan
Published on: 06/07/2021

As I have repeatedly written about in this past year, the opportunities available to the church at this pivotal time in history are endless. All of these opportunities are grounded

Church Leadership
Living in Times of Possibility

Living in Times of Possibility

Living in Times of PossibilityKay Kotan
Published on: 01/06/2021

In this past year we have all likely been feeling a bit (or a whole lot) off balance, out of step, or wondering what lies ahead for us in the

Church LeadershipMinistryDiscipleship
Transition Time

Transition Time

Transition TimeKay Kotan
Published on: 20/05/2021

While some are ending their school year or even graduating, in the church world many are entering into a time of transition. This is a time when there is soon

Church LeadershipMinistryAdministration